Wednesday, August 18, 2010


I took the kids outside today thinking it was nice enough to play...meaning it wasn't sweltering hot. It was super nice when we walked out to get the mail. Unfortunately it was almost 90 and super sunny. We lasted all of 10 minutes. Rather than the same ol' toys and books for the afternoon, I decided to whip up a batch of homemade playdough. Never made it before. It was a sinch and the kids (well, Isaac) loved it. In fact, he's playing with it again right now which is why I even have an opportunity to post. :) Leah wasn't so interested. I think it was too messy for her-she can be quite the girly girl at times. Here they are playing away and look oh-so-cute while in the process.
And Leah's new favorite spot...this cabinet. It's usually just storage for paper towels, but she'll move out anything that isn't a roll of paper towels so she can sit in there. She hasn't figured out yet how to get totally in. I'm sure it's just a matter of time. :) Notice the lack of pants-she has decided to start potty-training herself. Meaning that she throws a fit when Isaac goes to the bathroom if she doesn't get a turn. I haven't really been trying to potty train her, though I can usually get her to the toliet in time to save myself having to change a stinky diaper. Hooray for that. Maybe once we get back from Florida in mid-September we'll really give it a go. Heck, she's only 18 months old. I never imagined I'd have her potty-trained before baby #3 joined us!


  1. So adorable! I will have to try the homemade play dough. Are you guys in your new house?

  2. When did Leah grow up?? She isn't a baby anymore. I can' wait to see you guys in Florida.
