Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Jared William

On Thursday, February 7, 2013 at 12:16pm Jared William Chapman joined our family. He was 7 pounds, 2 ounces and 20 inches long. He has lots of blonde hair and big blue eyes. I was induced at 7:30 that morning after weeks of expecting to go into labor on my own. Dr. Mintzer just broke my water, hoping to avoid pitocin. It took a while, but a little after 10:00 my contractions finally started really kicking in. Shortly after noon I was ready to push and after a single push Jared was here! Labor was not my easiest or quickest, but I was able to do it without any pain medication. And it was certainly quicker than most girls go through so I really can't complain. Jake was a great help and support-I can't imagine going through labor without him! Due to enhanced visitor policy at the hospital because of the flu outbreak, the kids weren't able to come see him in my room. We kind of broke the rules a little and Jake brought Adam and Leah on Friday morning to see us in the waiting room. I went home that afternoon and I was ready to be back in a comfortable bed and rocking chair! Jared has been a content, mellow baby so far. He loves to be held chest to chest and is a great little snuggler. Nights have gone well-he's up around 3 times a night, and I really wouldn't want it any different. I am tired, but not exhausted. I feel so blessed to have this little guy in our family and can't wait to see who he grows up to be (well, I can wait-I love these short newborn months!). A few pictures of our little Jared.....


  1. So sweet! Love all that hair! And the picture of Jake and Jared is priceless!
    Adam looks so grown up now that you've got another little one. :)
    Congrats to you all! What a wonderful addition to your family.

  2. Wow! Congrats! 4 kids...amazing! He is darling just like the rest of them!

  3. I can't wait to meet him and see the rest of the family as well. The kids look so much older just from seeing them at Christmas. Love you so much.
