Wednesday, June 24, 2009

4 months old

Leah is now 4 months old. I can't believe how quickly time has gone by. She is still the happiest, most content baby. We couldn't love her more. She is now sleeping through the night in the crib in the same room as Isaac. (Isaac didn't do that until he was over a year old!!!). She loves to talk and sing and is a very expressive little girl. She's gotten to her side a couple of times, but is still a little ways off from rolling over I think. She tolerates tummy time, but would much rather be on her back to play. Isaac is her best friend and she loves to give him kisses and laugh and smile at him. The stats from her 4 month appointment are the in kids' room and they're both sleeping in there. I remember she was 13 pounds, 10 ounces and was 25 1/2 inches long. She was 55% for both of those and 10% (I think) for her head size. I'll post the real numbers along with Isaac's from that time later. We love this little girl so much and can't imagine life without all the ruffles and bows!


  1. She's so darling!!! So fun that you get to have one of each--a boy and a girl.

  2. I have some burp clothes I made out of that same material! Can you believe how big these babies are getting and how fast! Your trip looks like it was fun. Sorry, I had your old blog on my reader forever - and I am just now getting around to reading this new one!
