Thursday, January 6, 2011


Adam Taylor Chapman...born at 3:25am, 7 pounds 10 ounces, 20 inches long. Labor was fast and furious (as in we got to hospital at 2:30, I was at a 4 and 20 minutes later I was ready to push...the doctor had just been called and so the nurses wouldn't let me push (agh!!) but after 15 minutes of that nonsense they finally just delivered our little guy...with no doctor present). Oops! All is well, I'll post the whole story later. He's perfectly healthy, nursing like a little champ, and has TONS of DARK hair. We are so blessed to have him here and can't wait to get him home and back to regular life. :)


  1. YAY!!!!!!!!!!!! A BIG congratulations. You are a champ with deliveries, I tell ya! Can't wait to hear the whole story. He was the perfect size. :)And hey, you picked a name. Love it!

  2. Yeah and congrats! I checked your blog this morning hoping for some baby news! He is adorable!

  3. Hey Jenn! I got your email so I came on here to look at the pictures of your cute new little guy! Congratulations! I can't believe how fast your labor was, but that's awesome everything worked out... even if there was no doctor there! Hope the adjustment to three kids goes well!

  4. He's absolutely adorable! Congrats!
